The Maeng Da strain of kratom is known to be one of the most powerful strains of kratom available. Once a rarity, coming from very remote regions of Thailand, Maeng Da has risen to be one of the most popular strains available. This strain of kratom is known for having higher alkaloid content. It is known to have dark colored leaves that turn to extremely green color when crushed or ground. Maeng Da is also known for its’ powerful and distinct odor.
Known for its increasingly powerful mood enhancing effects and energy, many find the Maeng Da Kratom strain to be more stimulating than others. The effects of this strain are much different than others and many find them to be very powerful. It can often be compared to certain types of nootropics for its ability to make an user feel more awake, alert, and focused. Comparative to other strains, the Maeng Da strain actually tends to increase productivity and decrease fatigue.